Interesting Edward, because we have gone the opposite way. We started with Yesterday, Today and Blockers for each person but gave up on this because it was too long and tedious.
Also the question about what have you done yesterday and what do you plan to do next is one that a reasonable project tracker answers so long as people fill in their tasks. So we wrote a report that shows how many tasks a person had completed over the last few days and how many they had as active. If there are none being closed or more than a couple active then we brought it up in the meeting otherwise I just asked each person in turn "Are you blocked". If they said 'No' we moved on, if they said 'yes' I asked them to wait. At the end of the meeting each person who was blocked got a minute to say why they were and someone would then offer to go through it with them offline.
About once a week someone would have something important for the team so they would bring it up at the end, but mainly a team of seven had their daily standup done in under three minutes.
To reflect its focus it became known as 'blockers' and not 'the daily stand up'